Dedicated runners and walkers took to the river bank in Hook to raise money for Yorkshire Cancer Research during the second annual Ray’s Run.
Despite the pouring rain, kindhearted residents turned out on Sunday, October 17 to walk and run 1, 3 or 6 miles around Hook village. The event was organised by Sally Halliday in memory of her dad, Raymond Jessney who was the former landlord of The Old George pub in Goole. Ray sadly passed away in 2018 after battling cancer and Sally decided to launch the annual Ray’s Run in his memory and to celebrate all the amazing Dads in our local community. Sally said: “On a very wet and miserable Sunday morning hardcore runners and walkers turned up to show their support for the second Ray’s Run. I don’t think it actually stopped raining all morning! “Together we managed to raise £560.00 for Yorkshire Cancer Research.” She added: “To my family and friends thank you for all your help and support. Thank you to Tim Harmen for sponsoring the event and to all the runners and walkers well done! This was for you, dad.”
Some of the runners and walkers who took part in the event. (21-10-61 GT)
* More photos inside today's Goole Times, on sale now.